HomeTechResponse Microsoft EuropeFoleyZDnet, Slack vs Microsoft: An analysis of the competition complaint...

Response Microsoft EuropeFoleyZDnet, Slack vs Microsoft: An analysis of the competition complaint filed in the EU


In a move that could have far-reaching implications for the collaboration software industry, Slack has filed a competition complaint against Microsoft in the European Union. Slack has filed a competition complaint against Microsoft in the European Union, alleging that the tech giant has illegally tied its Teams messaging app to the Office 365 productivity suite. This comes as a surprise, given that Slack had previously claimed that Microsoft wasn’t a competitor. The move is likely an attempt to level the playing field, as Teams has surged ahead of Slack in terms of market share. The complaint accuses Microsoft of illegally tying its Teams collaboration software to its Office 365 suite, thereby stifling competition and limiting consumer choice. Mary Jo Foley, a veteran technology journalist and editor at ZDNet, weighed in on the issue and offered her analysis of the situation. If you’re looking for a complete guide on Response Microsoft EuropeFoleyZDnet, you’re in the right place. This article aims to provide you with all the necessary details.

Slack’s Allegations

Slack’s competition complaint against Microsoft is based on allegations that the software giant is using its market power to restrict competition and harm consumer choice. Slack claims that Microsoft is “reverting to past behavior” and engaging in anti-competitive practices by bundling Teams with its Office 365 suite, thereby making it difficult for other companies to compete in the space.

The company argues that Microsoft’s actions are not only anti-competitive but also a violation of European Union competition law. Slack contends that Microsoft is making it difficult for third-party developers to integrate their software with Teams, further cementing its dominance in the market.

Microsoft’s Response

Microsoft, for its part, denies the allegations and says it is committed to offering customers a wide variety of choice in how they purchase and use the product. A company spokesperson highlighted that Teams was created to combine the ability to collaborate with the ability to connect via video, something that has become increasingly important during the COVID-19 pandemic. The spokesperson also pointed out that Teams has been embraced by the market in record numbers while Slack has suffered from its absence of video-conferencing.

According to a company spokesperson, Microsoft created Teams to combine collaboration and video-conferencing, as that’s what customers want. With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing many people to work from home, Teams has become a go-to platform for remote work, while Slack has suffered from the lack of video-conferencing capabilities. Microsoft maintains that it is committed to offering customers a wide variety of choices in how they purchase and use the product, and that it looks forward to providing additional information to the European Commission and answering any questions they may have.

Mary Jo Foley’s Analysis from ZDnet

Mary Jo Foley, a well-respected technology journalist and editor at ZDNet, offered her take on the situation. Foley notes that Slack’s complaint is similar to the antitrust case brought against Microsoft in the late 1990s, which accused the company of illegally tying its Internet Explorer web browser to its Windows operating system.

Foley observes that Microsoft has been downplaying Slack’s status as a competitor for some time, but Slack’s complaint indicates that the company is taking the competition seriously. She also notes that Slack has a strong case, given that Microsoft has been accused of anti-competitive practices in the past.


The competition complaint filed by Slack against Microsoft in the European Union highlights the growing competition in the collaboration software industry. While Microsoft denies the allegations, Slack’s complaint underscores the challenges faced by smaller companies trying to compete with tech giants like Microsoft. Mary Jo Foley’s analysis provides valuable insights into the situation and suggests that Slack may have a strong case. The outcome of this complaint could have significant implications for the future of the collaboration software industry in Europe and beyond. With the information provided in this article, you should now have a complete understanding of Response Microsoft EuropeFoleyZDnet and can confidently apply it in your work or personal life.

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